Blog Business – @GuyGowan Workshop

Business – @GuyGowan Workshop


Continuing my education where/when I can, I was recently lucky enough to attend a two day seminar by Guy Gowan at Studio 304

Guy Gowan
Guy Gowan passing on one of his many tips and tricks to make your life easier - © 2011 Kurtis Stewart

The first day focused on tightening up workflow. After watching guy for about 20 minutes he’d put everyone in the room to shame on their back end retouching workflow…including me. That being said the talk was extremely informative and as soon I get all the notes and tidbits I wrote down typed out I’ll be implementing them into my own workflow shortly.

The nice thing about the two days was he didn’t plug his CD/DVD/whatchamowho gadget to death. He did use a Powermate which looked pretty cool but only mentioned what it was after someone asked.

Second day was all creative retouching. Very cool to see all the applications for some of his techniques on images.

The one thing that floored me the most was how effective his techniques were. He would regularly zoom the image to 1% (it looks smaller than a postage stamp), then he would start his retouching. He had a really interesting perspective on images as he came from a SERIOUS pre-press background which gave him the solid foundation one which he bases his entire classes.

End game, he’s in your city, take his class. You’ll save enough money in the first week of utilizing his workflow to pay for his workshop 10x over.

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