
Category: Retouching

Retouching – The Re-Appearing Head


Every once and a while on a photo shoot you get really into the conversation with your client and your head drifts from behind your camera and your framing goes off. Had a colleague run into a bit of an issue with this, they sent me the file below to “fix up”.


I’m really liking .gif’s lately to show the work vs. having a whole bunch of images that you’d have to scroll through. What say you?

You can see more of my Retouching posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Retouching – Clark Dr. and Broadway


One of my bosses jokingly mentioned that Clark Dr. would be better without a stoplight at Broadway…10th…. and 12th. I thought I’d take a crack at fixing that…


Also was curious about how to make a .gif and how it would display on my website. Mission accomplished, you’ll probably see more of these in the future.

You can see more of my Retouching posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Retouching – The Appearing Tugboat


I was recently asked by Jason Ryant to put a Tugboat into one of his images for a new client. It was a really fun project to collaborate on as you’re faking something vs. the regular headshot retouching I do. It’s always a little hard to tell when you’re “done” an image like this but you get there eventually.

kurtis_stewart_tugboat_retouch kurtis_stewart_tugboat_retouch kurtis_stewart_tugboat_retouch

You can see more of my Retouching posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.