
Category: Sports

Sports – I’m an Ultiphotos Photographer


I’ve been asked to be a part of the Ultiphotos Team. They’re a group of North American Photographers who focus on Tournament coverage of Ultimate. I’ve been shooting the Vancouver Nighthawks for their inaugural season and it’s been great learning from Jeff Bell (the NW/Canada Regional Manager) on the sidelines of all these games. I’m very excited to be a part of a team with such great talent!


You can see more of my Sports posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Sports – Cyclist and Triathlete Edgar Alejandro Mujica


Recently did a shoot with the very athletic, bilingual, and talented man that is Edgar Alejandro (he’s Venezuelan to a fault). He brought exactly the right energy to the shoot and was a great collaborator. We spent most of our shooting time doing laps out by UBC and Spanish Banks. I  couldn’t be happier with the images we created but don’t take my word for it, you can see for yourself below…

Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica Edgar Alejandro Mujica

It was great working with Edgar, his passion for the sport is infectious and I’m pretty sure by the end of the shoot he’d gotten me to sign up for my first triathlon… “Don’t worry Kurtis, you can do it” were his closing words to me. I’m sure it won’t be long until we do another one of these shoots covering one the many other areas he competes in.

You can see more of my Sports posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.

Sports – Vancouver Nighthawks Tryouts


Vancouver recently acquired a Major League Ultimate Franchise, the Vancouver Nighthawks. I’ve recently been lucky enough to work with Jeff Bell, the Vancouver Ultiphotos photographer and here are some of my images from the Nighthawks first tryout/combine.

Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout Kurtis Stewart Shoots the Vancouver Nighthawks Tryout

For the rest of the images check out my Ultiphotos Gallery. You can also see the spot CBC News did on the field here (I show up in the background at around the 1:40 mark).

You can see more of my Sports posts here, for more updates follow me on Twitter or Facebook.