So if you’ve met me you know I’m passionate about green practices like reducing power usage, recycling and reducing your footprint on the planet. The City of Vancouver has started an initiative called Talk Green Vancouver…

As you can see the goal is that by 2020 we’ll be the greenest city in the world. I think this is so cool to be competing for something that’s not on the radar of most regions yet but by the time we’re 9 years down the road the choices we make now may make or break our lifestyle.
Since this is an initiative that I’m completely behind when the call for volunteers came out for their Greenest City Camp today I signed up right away and was happy to find there were some positions for photographers. Not only will I be providing them with professional class images I’ll be helping out a cause that needs a ton more exposure in the Vancouver area. More people, more ideas, more initiatives.
You’ll be able to see all the images as they’re posted on my Flickr stream (I’ll of course be sharing a couple here on the blog too), plus I’ll be all up in my Twitter on the day under #gccamp.
Hope to see you there!
Oh, almost forgot if you want to follow how everything is going from the city’s POV you can follow @greenestcity here.