First binder I pulled out the the pile was Photo 1118 with Tomo Tanaka. Tomo’s classes were traditionally the more technical side of the program. At the end of this course I was able to:
- use a B&W Densitometer
- understand Bellows Compensation
- properly expose and develop B&W Film
- understand how focal plane and leaf shutters work
- understand concept and formulas for depth of field
- understand basic image reproduction formulas
- understand angle of view for different camera formats and their formulas
- understand inverse square law and the three cosine laws and how they apply to photography
- be familiar with WHMIS
- understand the fundamental differences between film and digital cameras
- understand how various camera supports work
Some of the assignments included Calibrating light meters and thermometers to ensure proper exposure and development. Some of the tidbits I learned:
- Sunny 16 Rule, In Sunny Weather Aperture f/16 and shutter speed reciprocal to ISO (ie; f/16 ISO 400 1/400th sec)
- Basic Electricity 100v x 15amps = 1500W
- Process of developing film, Develop -> Stop -> Fixer -> (at this point you can turn the lights on) Wash -> Hypo Clear -> Wash -> Photo-Flo -> Drying
- Darkroom Printing, 10% difference is visible on the print, it will change another 10% when fully dried
- Bellows Compensation, ((bellows draw mm^2)/(focal length of lens mm)^2) = Bellows Factor (BF)
- logBF/log2=increase in exposure in terms of f stops
- Equivalent Exposures, Difference between f/stops is ?2 (Doubles every second number; f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22)
- Proper Tripod usage, don’t elevate centre column unless absolutely necessary
- Shutters, minumum “safe” shutter speed for hand holding is 1/Focal Length of the lens (ie; 60mm lens would be 1/60th second)
- Apertures, when the camera to subject distance is less than 10x the focal length we must consider “bellows factor”
- Apertures, the shape of your aperture is the shape of your specular highlights
- Camera-less printing assignment
- B&W Kreonite Orientation, no fiber based paper allowed, total time dry to dry is 2.5 minutes
- Inverse Square Law, 2x the distance = 1/4 the light
- Angle of View, angle of view for a 50mm lens on a 35mm camera is 43.27?, the equivalent for a 4×5 camera is 193mm
- Angle of View, ((Object Size/Distance to Object)=(Image Size/Focal Length))
- Depth of field, …I’d write this equation out but you’d go cross eyed, check out the Wikipedia page instead
- Hyperfocal distance, the closest distance that appears sharp when a lens is focused on infinity
- Visible Spectrum of Light, RGB (additive/primary colors)
I know some/most of that looks like obscure gibberish but I partly wrote it down to have as a mental tweak for me to remember the bits a pieces I learn over the duration of this course. It was interesting going back through the material and reviewing the things I learned vs. what I actually use now in my Photography.
Let me know if you have an questions.