Blog Oktoberfest – In Case of Emergency, Break Glass…

Oktoberfest – In Case of Emergency, Break Glass…


For those of you who don’t like to read I’ll quickly summarize Oktoberfest for you:


Ompa Band

1 L Beer Steins


9000 people in a tent….. x 14 tents

Now for the people who want details and some pictures here it comes. I arrived to Munich on October 1st drop my stuff off at the Tournament Directors and bused to Oktoberfest. This was the view from our table

Just 9000 people and chandeliers with hops on them
Just 9000 people and chandeliers with hops on them

They have all these benches around the tables that you end up standing on come sa

Cookie, Remenants of a preztel and my inviso-beer
Cookie, Remenants of a preztel and my inviso-beer
So after that night we went and played Ultimate at Roberto Beach, an indoor beach volleyball building

No wind but a ceiling....hammer time !
No wind but a ceiling....hammer time !

Complete with a bar right beside the fields…

Bamboo-ey goodness
Bamboo-ey goodness

The outdoor fields were very tiny…about 15Wx50L (…for non ulti players it should be 40W x 125L). Rooney (Swiss National Player) put a huck up over my shoulder blades as I was striking (read as, bad throw) I went up for the disc, toed the endzone line and promptly went through a window….well not so much through as shattered the glass and got stuck with half my elbow through it. The thing bled like sieve. Granted my catch brought us to a tie to play for Universe point, which we won….totally worth it (other the the fact I was refered to as window/glass guy for the rest of the tournament).

So after we played all day it only seemed appropriate to have an asian buffet dinner and then a dance party inside the volleyball courts. Brilliant….here’s to being able to sleep where you party.

Next morning we got up and went to meet at the Teufelsrad

Teufelsrad...a lawsuit waiting to happen
Teufelsrad...a lawsuit waiting to happen
Basically its a spinning disc and whoever stays on the longest wins. Near the end they drop this 30lb wrecking ball and swing it around to knock you off…closely followed by a rope to trip you. Definitely a great spectator sport. After a couple round they picked these two kids (’bout 7 zears old) out of the crowd and gave them boxing gloves and they just went at it…hard…I wish I was kidding. Meanwhile everyone is cheering them on. Europe is very different sometimes.

We finally got into our Tent which was packed


The tournament gave out shirts to keep track of your sonsumption for the night….interesting idea

I only had 5 drinks officer...
I only had 5 drinks officer...

I swore that I would go home after we were finished at the Oktoberfest as we had 10am games the next morning…somewhere between the tents and the subway Drew convinced us that there were some great clubs at the next station and we should TOTALLY go… rubber.arm.

Tonights going to be a good night.
Tonights going to be a good night.
So during the Oktoberfest they were passing around a pen and I had “In Case of Energency, break glass” written on my elbow. Thank you Douglas.
Best joke of the weekend..writing "In case of Emergency, break glass" on my elbow
Best joke of the weekend..writing "In case of Emergency, break glass" on my elbow

The next day we had some games inside and watched the boat-less wakeboarding course outside…it was insane the air some of these people got, when I got back with my camera they had stopped so this will have to do.

No boat, man made lake for wakeboarding
No boat, man made lake for wakeboarding

In conclusion if you ever have the opportunity to go to Munich aim for the Wiesn Cup and do Oktoberfest the proper way. Go team Dopelbach !IMG_0583[1]

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