Blog Personal – New York City Day 7

Personal – New York City Day 7


Lack of posts, I know. Been searching for a place to anchor down in all weekend and yesterday I finally moved from Bed Stuy to my new place in Bushwick, Brooklyn. It’s more so the Main/Fraser St area in Vancouver, lots of cool little shops and a young population. Perfect place to spend the next month and a half.

As for today’s adventure, I started off by popping into Shio Studio to say hi to Sophie Kuller, the wonderful studio manager there. The building is very much like 1000 Parker St back in Van. Lots of artist spaces in a 4 storey building.


Afterwards I headed down into Manhattan to check out Madison Square Park. After last weeks 27 degree 76% humidity day, it was great to step out of the subway into a freshly rained on park.


Of course you’re not allowed on the grass, it’s all fenced and just to be looked at…


Right beside the park they had a pop-up eatery setup in between two of the Main St.’s. Lots of cool little shops showing off their culinary skills and serving beer and wine in basically an outdoor cafeteria. I’ll be back!

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Last but not least I “hiked” up to the infamous Grand Central Station (anything more than 6 blocks in New York is a cab trip, not walking distance). Grand Central is very busy but with all the space you don’t feel it as much as you do on the sidewalks of New York.


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