Today I headed out to wander the Lower Eastside Manhattan with the very talented Animator/Illustrator/Character Designer/Pencil Jockey Victoria Montes.
Found this very cool 3D printed recycle station right by my house, neat idea!
Wandered by Gramercy Park, the only private park in New York. Only the residents with buildings facing the park get keys…odd. Apparently it used to be a little shadier of a neighbourhood.
Union Square, this is the main junction I hit when I head downtown on the L Train.
Popped into the Strand Bookstore, pretty sure I could spend days inside here with their 18 miles of books…
Washington Square Park, they’re all about the fountains over here.
Sidewalk chalk for days.
Can’t not take a picture of a NY Firehall.
No room on the street signs…this’ll do.
Ice cream advertising at it’s best most honest.
Finally fell upon Katz’s. This was the diner in When Harry met Sally and home of a mean Pastrami on Rye sandwich.
Fancy people on the right got waiters, the rest of the pleib’s (aka me) sat on the left and got our own trays.
A delicious sandwich meatwich, pretty sure my heart is still working its way through it.
One of the neater things is the way they bill you, when you walk in you get a ticket and each time you order something the respective staff person adds to the total. You pay at the door when you head out.
This storefront confused me until I finally spotted the door, it was a long day…
For some evening entertainment we went to check out a free Comedy night at The Stand. Big names from Letterman and Comedy Central tested out their material on the crowd. Plenty of Canadian jokes to go around…
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