To Manhattan I go again, today’s target is the New York Public Library. While traveling Europe back in 2009 I grew to love libraries more than the umpteen churches I visited. I liked the different designs and sense of community they have. The coolest by far was the Amsterdam Public Library, if you ever get the chance go check it out!
Typical New York sidewalk horde, looks a little but like the start to a music video.
Tree’s, yes! They don’t exactly line the roadways like back in Vancouver so seeing them outside a park setting is a little rare in downtown.
A pretty impressive entrance for a library no?
Astor Hall, aka the first lobby you walk into.
Most of the rooms/hallways were under construction, you can see the green painters tape here and there.
Archived index catalogs, dewey decimal system anyone?
I came to mostly see the Rose Main Reading Room;
“…[the] Rose Main Reading Room is a majestic public space, measuring 78 feet by 297 feet—roughly the length of two city blocks—and weaving together Old World architectural elegance with modern technology.”
It is also the largest uninterrupted indoor space in Manhattan.
Instead I spent some time gathering my thought in one of their “smaller” studies. “Smaller”, only in New York!
View leaving the front steps of the library.
After that I was shown the East River, another great day here in NYC.
Still have not taken the train the wrong way, 22 days and the streak is going strong!
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