Yes that’s right internet, I now think in tweets and hashtags. Still trying to sort out the whole Twitter-verse.
I’m 6’4″ so that comes with the unfortunate… blessing of having feet large enough to ensure my gigantic head does not tip me straight onto my keister. If I may digress for a moment the shoe shopping experience involves the following steps:
- Procrastinating shopping because I’m a guy
- Getting to the store and asking one of the staff what do you have in a Size 13/14 ?
- The sales associate coming back with two options from their entire stock room…
- Me dejectedly choosing the lesser of the two evils
SO in an effort to break that cycle, I brought along my shopping-lucky-charm (yes folks, they do exist and if you haven’t found yours GET ON IT) my sister.
IF I go out to a store and look for my size, they’re out/ don’t carry it / doesn’t exist (ask two of my classmates who literally tore up Robson St. and the better part of Pacific Center trying to find me a pair of jeans, no hard feelings Naz and Gabrielle).
IF i take my sister she will walk into a store and MAGICALLY they will have something in my size that fits (these two options do not automatically come hand in hand).
So yesterday we strolled into Champs and a half hour later and only 6 shoe try ons I had a solid set of new “erry day shoes” as my sister called them. Sweet.

Wondering if anyone will find this? Message me if you do !